NY declares state of emergency after storm Ida this Wednesday

Heavy floodings leave at least 14 dead at USA, impact on trucking services, with temporary stoppage of road traffic at NY, and may affect Port of New Jersey’s operations

The governors of New York and New Jersey declared a state of emergency this Wednesday night, Sept. 1, in the face of the stormy passage of Hurricane Ida, now a tropical storm, through the Northeast region of the United States. The Ida phenomenon, which hit US soil over the weekend, devastating Louisiana, has caused at least fourteen dead.

In New York and New Jersey, in addition to nine deaths, it leaves subway stations flooded and suspended and impact on economic activities such as road transport, and still possible effects on the Port of New Jersey. Although the port has only closed one terminal, it opened late today and operates with difficulty amid strong winds. Craft USA monitors the situation to take action in case of cancellations.

In trucking, the most affected modality is LTL (consolidated), as the floods closed or delayed operations in the network facilities used by Craft. New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio even stopped road traffic in NY until 5:00 am (local time), based on information from the National Weather Service, which reported cases of drivers trapped by water.

Although the rain has passed, there is a possibility of delays in road and maritime services. Craft USA follows the situation and continues to inform employees, customers and partners. In case of doubt, don’t hesitate to contact one of our specialists.

The Craft New Jersey office is closed, and our team works remotely today, safely.