LCL sea freight: rate increase effective from November 1st Home>News>lcl>LCL sea freight: rate increase effective from November 1st Craft USA is announcing a rate increase for our LCL services 17.10.2022 - lcl - Share Check the values:
30.08.2021 Ida loses strength, but leaves damage in Louisiana and impact on trucking lcl, trucking State, which had never been hit by such a violent hurricane, was the most affected by Ida, which reverted to a tropical storm and now heads East [ + ]
17.10.2022 LCL sea freight: rate increase effective from November 1st lcl Craft USA is announcing a rate increase for our LCL services [ + ]
13.11.2020 Craft takes the biggest step of its history: Craft USA new products Starting December, the new branch, the first outside South America, will expand the international service offerings under its own flag [ + ]