Covid-19: Craft status in March and early April

Second wave of covid-19 in South America, with the appearance of variants mainly in Brazil, takes Craft to redouble its care with the team, which remains 100% operational when working remotely
Covid-19: Craft status in March and early April

With the well-being of its employees as priority, Craft maintains most of its teams at home, from where they work at full load, while South America faces the second pandemic wave of the new coronavirus, with the appearance of aggressive variants, especially in Brazil. Care and home office go together in most places, like in the USA.

South America: ports, airports and customs remain active, many with the introduction of digital resources. Foreign trade does not stop.

96% of the team works at home, in São Paulo, and other parts of the country, paying attention to the worsening of the pandemic. Ports, airports, terminals and customs have reduced hours, but without difficulties in dispatches

Argentina: team works regularly at home. New sea and air service hours: Monday to Friday, from 10 am to 1 pm and from 2 pm to 4 pm

Bolivia: on-site staff reduced to 50% (operational and accounting), and the other half at home. The country already has normal circulation hours, without restrictions. Ports, airports and borders with continuous schedules

Chile: the entire team works at home until further notice. Restriction measures across the country have increased as a result of growth in infections. But ports, terminals and airport remain relatively normal. Customs continues with electronic operation

Colombia: 50% presence, on average, at addresses around the country: Buenaventura and Cartagena, Medellín and Bogotá, including the airport office

Ecuador: the operational team is present every day in the office; the commercial is still at home. The increase in cases has led many companies to take precautionary measures, but ports and airports operate on a regular basis, as do other public bodies, alternating physical service with home office

Paraguay: remote work until further notice. Face-to-face assistance for documents from Monday to Friday, from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm and from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm. Ports and customs operate with reduced staff and standardized schedules, but without delays. Friendship Bridge with normal access. Qualified passenger flights

Peru: 85% of the team at home, with no expected return to the office. Air and sea ports and terminals operate normally

Uruguay: with an exceptional increase in covid-19 cases in the country, the branch is 100% in home office. Port, airport and customs operate under the new normal

USA: all teleworking, with no anticipation of going to the office


If you need immediate assistance, do not hesitate to contact our leaders, who are especially attentive to any demand.

When paying, prefer a credit card. In addition to the longer term, it ensures isolation and security for operations.